Naturally, Magic instruction includes lots of RuneScape gold Runecrafting because you'll be mainly using Runes to cast spells which can give Magic Experience. You will not be able to purchase them from the Grand Exchange, so almost every one of them has to be developed by you. It is possible to acquire some of them through NPC trading, however this requires a large amount of gold. They can be produced using several methods, so make sure to learn about the various methods inside our Ironman Making Money Guide. Making Guide.
Initial stages of Magic training should be conducted by regular fighting with each hit. Be aware that in order to be efficient, you need to find monsters you are able to profit from. Most effective will be those with Herb drops such as Twisted Banshee or high tier weapon drops like Fire Giants in Waterfall Dungeon.
These can be killed behind a rock safely up to the level 43 point, at which point you'll learn to superheat iron Ore. This procedure could be lengthy or costly since lots of Nature Runes will be required yet it will yield the highest levels of experience for this level.
Once you've reached the level 55 of Magic and you'll be empowered to cast High Alchemy, which will be the best ability you have to make money from items you don't need anymore. This is mostly applicable to leftovers from Fletching and drops that you get from Slayer.
In general, mining training is similar to Ironman in regular ways for leveling but the main distinction is that you require one or two hours now before you can begin mining sources like gems to buy OSRS GP make Slayer bracelets as well as Volcanic Ash to make Ultracompost.