I'd like to see a brand new version of WoW that has a new engine would be nice. Imagine height being the main factor in combat or projectiles that be used to hit or WOW Classic TBC Gold block objects that are different than their intended targets.
It's actually a silly and nonsensical argument. Modern expansions include a larger number of mounts than the original TBC, and there is more variety in design and acquisition. TBC was essentially dungeons drop as well as Grindy dailies in order to build an edge, and finally the nether dragons, which were an incredible design.
The whole idea of paying cosmetics in an MMORPG is a complete blunder. Classic was so important because every cosmetic item was tied to an achievement in the game. Rare Mounts were an impressive item with a lot of prestige. They're no longer worth the price once they can be bought. I'm so lost as to why people pay fees for mounts
Maybe a bit less. But there are still some notable items in TBCC like stunherald and buy WOW TBC Classic Gold Dst, Dragonstrike al'ar, warglaives and so on. There aren't nearly as many dungeonblues and P1 items that last longer than in classic.