Pay Someone to Write Your Essay?Pay someone to write your essay? You have probably thought about it at one time or another but you didn't want to spend the money to hire someone just to sit down and put your thoughts on a paper. Or even worse, you didn't know anyone who would write such a valuable and hard-to-find assignment. Then you found out that there are companies that will pay someone to write your essay for you. So now you have a few questions: First of all, why pay someone to write your essay? The reason is because you want the person to have your best interests in mind while writing your assignment and the company wants to get their money's worth when they have been hired to write an assignment like this. Now some companies only hire people who have experience in writing college essays (that is, they have previously written at least one college essay) and others will hire any student with some amount of writing ability. The company wants someone who not only knows what to do in order to write an essay quickly and correctly, but also someone who can read and understand a complex topic like a thesis or dissertation. Now you're probably wondering how to go about hiring someone at to pay someone to write your essay for you. The easiest way to go about it is to make sure that the person who will be writing your essay has some sort of academic credentials, such as an English degree or a Math degree. This shows that you trust them and that you believe in their ability to do an essay. In addition to that, you need someone who will be understanding and sympathetic towards your topic and have a grasp on the language and what is required to write an essay of this caliber.