Rorgon uses several attacks. He can also use melee attack. He can also use Fire Wave and Smoke Barrage. He also wields the Dragon Crossbow, which shoots Rune Bolts that are tipped into OSRS Items Dragonstone. Be ready for the enchantment to go away on you. Of course, Rorgon has a dragonbreath attack.
Summoning is also a talent that Rorgon uses. Rorgon won't summon Brutal Blue Dragons if you're on your own. If you have a clan with you, he may summon up to five BrutalBlue Dragons depending on how big the group is. One of these dragons may occasionally start flashing during combat.
Rorgon's invincibility will continue until the dragon has been killed if it happens. I would recommend that a member of the clan concentrates on killing dragons completely, as they can respawn and they will die quickly if necessary.
When his hitpoints fall below 5%, Rorgon will teleport, giving Slayer exp to anyone who helped kill him, and leaving some valuables like he had died. Bolt tips, clues scrolls and gems. Key halves, herbs and shield halves as well as a type dragon weapon, are all available for drop.
Dragon Pickaxe will not be an option since you'll discover a cave that contains Red Axe henchmen, who can drop it, in Buy OSRS Accounts a future quest concept I'll have. So, what are your thoughts?