Agile Development has already become a standard for IT companies specialized in the software development. It provides an environment either for development of corporate software or for provision of specific user settings. Quick and easy creation of system prototype, step-by-step introduction of functional changes, possibility of performing modifications in terms of changing business environment, short intervals between introduction of system releases, productive give-and-take between buyers and providers make the basis for agile development.
One of the basic ideas of agile development means that business requirements, tasks and priorities may change within the development process. This principle allows for allocating the development of key software functions, resolving specific tasks stage by stage and receiving immediate result from system development before the project is completely finished.
One of the most important methods of agile development is to divide the project into smaller phases. Each of these levels represents the realization of a specific part of the functionality. Budgets and deadlines are set separately for each of these phases and it is the project owner who sets priorities between the phases. This flexible approach to target allocation allows priorities to be changed during the development process without shifting priorities and changing development patterns. One of the main advantages of this method is that the possibility of changes made by the project owner is treated as a positive factor rather than a limitation. Judging from the experience of companies that have successfully implemented this methodology, the active collaboration between the buyer and the service provider helps the project owner to better understand his needs and use the information obtained during successful communication to develop the system to be successful. one Control implementation and put into practice.
The agile development methodology is based on a number of principles and manifestos formulated in the early 2000s. Flexible methodological principles are alternative, giving some aspects priority over others. From the manifesto author's point of view, this form of comparative statement helps software developers to better understand their decisions when implementing a project and to better understand the ground rules that must be observed when choosing a flexible development methodology.
The core principles and mission of the flexible development methodology consist of high-level ideas to structure software development that is conducive to successful project execution and creates a welcoming environment for teams working on specific projects. Customer satisfaction and the achievement of project business objectives are key elements of the flexible development philosophy. Thus, the notion of success in agile development is difficult from the more traditional concept of success approach that adheres to the fulfillment of three project criteria, namely budget, deadline, and scope of requirements. Apart from focusing on the importance of the human factor and productive collaboration, this methodology has become an effective and successful solution for a large number of companies striving for high productivity, flexibility and increased productivity in the face of changing market needs.
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