CFA stands for Chartered Financial Analyst. It is a professional course offered by the US-based CFA Institute. The aim of this exam is to grant CFA charter to investment and financial professionals to help them further their career goals. It is one of the most demanding designations for investment professionals. The CFA exam will be conducted in Computer Based Mode. It is a globally recognized professional credential in Financial Management and investment offered by CFA Institute.
The course is designed as the world’s most respected and recognized designation in investment management. The program involves a broad range of financial aspects including investment management, financial analysis, stocks, bonds, and derivatives. Exam pattern and level of complexity differ with each level of the exam. To register for this exam, you will need to have a bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree or be in your final year of college, have four years of professional full-time work experience, or have a combination of professional work experience and education totaling 4 years. Now come to the study material. If you are looking for free online exam study materials to understand the paper pattern and study, visit our website
We have online practice questions with answers and have a bunch of previous year's online question papers. Apart from this, you'll also find the most important thing to boost your confidence level i.e Mock tests to improve your weak point and give chance to turn it into a positive point. You must have time to give Mock Test for this exam. Candidates who pursue the course gain a broad knowledge of the investment industry which increases their probability of getting a high paying job. Industrialization and globalization are increasing the demand for CFAs in India.
Before going to online preparation, set your mind as this is your last chance to qualify for the exam. You will never be getting it after that. Remember, This exam demands substantial efforts so don’t leave a single effort from your side. Use this” Prepare, Practice and Perform” methodology. We have designed online study material to help you in the online preparation for this exam. Here we have the following online preparation steps for the CFA exam.
Find the detail CFA level 1 topic weights series online at AVATTO. We provide many Free CFA Level 1 practice questions from our extensive question bank to help you pass your CFA Exam. Get the best CFA Level Exam Series at Avatto.
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