This really annoys me. We've all read ourselves from now. It's fun to share if you're the person who achieved the milestone, but it becomes tiresome to Nook Miles Ticket see so many"first blue rose" articles. I don't believe they ought to be prohibited altogether, but there's just no reason anyone should be taking an image of the screen in 2021.
Pictures of irl merch
Something that disturbs me at a lot of gambling subreddits is"I bought the thing!" Posts reaching huge amounts of upvotes. However, there are some really talented artists out there making beautiful fanmade merch, and that should not be ignored. I want to mention that perhaps merch posts ought to be limited to the men and women who actually made the things, but that may cross into self-promotion too much.
Official merch definitely does not need to be part of the subreddit. This ought to be a place to show things off we have made, both in and outside of this sport, and also to buy Animal Crossing Bells discuss the sport as a whole. We are going to be swamped with pictures of makeup boxes and Sanrio amiibo cards when we do not do something about it.