Another option will be apet bunny that if you releace it will follow you like a kitty it wont grow or have to be socialized whith OSRS gold you could do that whith it or weild it and it's going to be craddled in your arms and if you try to att it will disapear and when ur done fighting it's going to end up in your arms or stock.
Which ever you chouse you will also recive a emote or two in the event that you dont have the bunny hop emote for those who have or dont have the bunny hop you will recieve the rabbit jump anda poultry chase where a poultry apears and you also run in 3 figure 8s chasing a chicken then you dip and the chicken disapears along with your peson wonders where it went. So what do you believe please reply of and the reward #/10 and the challenge #/10 oh and sorry if I have bad spelling.
I only thought of a wonderful thing! It would only reachable by boat or tele. It would have all sorts of creatures such as dinosaurs, giant snakes, fighter, T-rex'es, etc. instead of seagulls flying around there would be Teradactles.
You might also do a quest to locate and kill a giant python that you would have to strike in a huge swamp. Every dino you might think about ranging from lvl 1-100+ the largerdinos would drop b-bones, and teeth which can be made into weppons. There might also be a tribe of cannibals on the island that you could battle. There could also be new armor such as a t-rex cool boneor something to get a shield and dino leather with can be made into cheap RS gold armor, or you could get armor out of the cannibals you kill.