The same is true of NBA 2K MT Coins those courts, which receive new materials also generating more realistic results. The colour and material answer is simply more natural in the next-gen version of the game. But the key draw for me is that the crowd, which provides a huge increase over the older consoles. The quantity of detail within every member of the crowd is unexpectedly impressive. They all proceed independently and therefore are far more comprehensive, to the point where even individual palms are left handed.
NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Update
Then you will find the reflections on the court itself and this is a place where tried and tested tech wins the afternoon. According to what I'm seeing, I believe the sport utilizes planar reflections as opposed to ray-traced or SSR reflections. Planar reflections continue to be helpful when applied to a single plane such as the courtroom but they're not as elastic in a more complex game universe. In this case, the reflection is altered by shaders used on the wood floors to correctly distort what you see.
The quality and resolution of the reflection seem enhanced on next-gen versus last. It is even more convincing and thoroughly realistic. The nature of Buy NBA 2K Coins planar reflections also means that items could be perfectly duplicated and reflections can seep with no issue. The backboard additionally receives mirror-like reflections which show the hoop itself and the ball while the internet receives nice physics as you jam the ball . None of these features are new to the next-gen variant but everything feels more elegant overall.