Creating high-quality images for your WordPress site – such as informative graphics for how-to guides and featured images for your blog posts – can be tricky without a photo editing or graphic design solution. As this Canva review will show, access to such tools create new opportunities to improve your site.
With custom graphics and images, you can take your website to the next level and impress your visitors with your professional design. While tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator can get expensive, Canva offers a low-cost solution capable of creating high-quality photos and graphics.
Canva is an online graphic design and photo editing platform. You can use it to create custom graphics from scratch or from templates, and to enhance your photos with textures and effects. The platform also offers a variety of resources to help your design efforts, including a palette generator and a logo maker.
You can use many of Canva’s features for free, unlike Adobe’s somewhat pricey Photoshop and Illustrator programs. Canva enables you to accomplish many of the design tasks you would want to use Illustrator for, such as creating infographics, logos, and other visual aids for your posts and brand:
By providing a variety of graphic design and photo editing features, Canva makes it easy to spruce up your site. Whether you need to share important data or just want a visual element to break up your written content, the features below will help you out.
Statistics and data can go a long way when it comes to your site’s users. While they may value your opinion, being able to back it up with numbers shows you’ve done your research and have authority on the topic. The problem is, stuffing large amounts of data into tables isn’t very visually appealing, and doesn’t always display information clearly.
On the other hand, graphs and charts can communicate your data effectively while appealing visually in your social media or blog posts. With Canva, you can select from a variety of graphs and charts to display data attractively. You can choose from more than two dozen chart types, including Venn diagrams, flow charts, bar graphs, and pie charts:
They’re easily customizable through either direct editing, or by inputting your data and letting Canva build the graph for you. Once your graph or chart is complete, you can embed it in another Canva design for use in your social media posts or blog graphics. You could even use a variety of charts to create detailed infographics.
Canva includes a host of design layouts and templates to streamline your design process. While many of them can be useful for some of the situations we’ve already mentioned – such as graphs and photo collages – they can also help with other brand aspects you may want to implement.
Do you wish to design pro graphics without being a pro graphic designer? Read this Canva review at Blogging Filter to know all about the most loved designing tool. No matter
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