When it comes to buying all of the smaller but necessary items for a restaurant establishment, one of the important but considered small items is the purchase of the restaurant chairs.
Comfort is going to be a priority for your guests. You can serve the best food in the neighborhood, but if your guests cannot sit in comfort to enjoy it then it is going to be harmful for your business. There is something else that has to be considered as well though. In this type of business it's also important to keep a steady flow of customers coming and going. If your choice of restaurant chairs is too comfortable or has too leisurely a type of style to them, then it could entice your guests to stay long after their meal is completed. You really have to be astute at finding the right balance when it comes to this particular item.
Your restaurant chairs should have enough padding in them to create the right level of comfort. You want the type of chair that is going to be able to withstand different levels of weight. You also need to consider the ergonomics of the chair. Chances are you will be catering to all age groups of people and you really want a universal type chair that is going to accommodate most everyone.
Ease of use
Although you want your commercial chairs to have a strong character about them, they also have to be light enough that the average client can move them in and out from the table easily.

The right height
You really need to pay close attention to the height of the chair in comparison to the type of tables that you have chosen. It stands to reason that if you are using bar stool type chairs then this has to be in sync with the table and vice versa.
This is of the utmost importance. These items have to be skid resistant, and they must have a good sitting area to them. Some chairs are very classy looking in appearance but really are not all that practical for the safety and comfort of the patrons that frequent restaurants.
After all the other components as outlined have been met, then you need to also be sure that the style of chair is going to fit in with the appearance of your restaurant. If you have a country and western theme going you are not likely to want to use Victorian styled chairs for your seating.
Cleaning and durability
These replica chairs are going to be used constantly. You want them to be comprised of materials that can be cleaned and sanitized easily and effectively, but also have the durability to withstand constant use and cleaning. At first it may not be realized just how much thought has to go into the choosing of the right restaurant chairs. When you give thought to the important role they have in your business then of course you are ready to put the effort into choosing the best suited type for your business.