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Posted 06-24-2020 6:45:56 AM
Using Prescription Drugs and Other Supplements

I had to interview an elderly South Korean lady to find out what prescription drugs and other supplements she is taking, whether she is aware of the side effects and adverse reactions, and if she understands how and when to take the medication. Ms. Kim lives a healthy and fairly active life. On average, she works out three times per week by walking two hours per day, golfing, and doing other less demanding physical activities. She takes different vitamins and supplements to add extra beneficial nutrients to her diet as well. However, Ms. Kim suffers from high blood pressure and has to take additional prescription medicine https://cheap-papers.com/.

After talking with Ms. Kim, I found out that she is taking only one prescription drug to treat her condition. It is a beta-blocker that blocks the action of specific natural chemicals which affect her cardiovascular system. Toprol XL is the only medicine she is taking to help her fight high blood pressure and lower the risk of heart failure. Additionally, she also consumes a variety of vitamins to maintain a healthy weight and condition. Ms. Kim is very knowledgeable about her diet, and I was able to learn quite a bit about correct and delicious nutrition. As she eats a balanced diet and works out regularly, there is no need to add multivitamins to her daily routine. Nevertheless, Kim elects to take one multivitamin tablet per day that contains 100% of the daily value to stay even healthier. Other supplements she takes on a daily basis are vitamins D, B-6, and B-12. These elements help her to maintain good bone health, produce necessary blood cells, and prevent anemia. In particular, vitamin B-12 assists to decrease stomach acidity effectively. Another element Ms. Kim makes sure to consume in large quantities in her diet is calcium. It helps with her eating habits in general and bone health in particular.

My interviewee is also very knowledgeable about the side effects and possible adverse reactions to the prescription medicine she is taking. They include drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, and diarrhea. Knowing the side effects is not the only thing to keep in mind. Ms. Kim also has to obey a few specific rules to reduce the risk of dizziness and lightheadedness. For example, she has to get up slowly when rising from a lying or sitting position. Kim also has to dress warm and avoid tobacco use as this prescription drug is known to reduce blood flow to your hands and feet. Since Ms. Kim does not use any other medicine with her prescription, she does not have to worry about any other possible adverse reactions to other chemicals.

Finally, Ms. Kim is fully aware of the way of taking her medication. She takes it orally with her meals once a day, just like her doctor prescribed. Another crucial moment is using Toprol with other prescriptions as some of them may remove the active metoprolol ingredient from your body. Ms. Kim is serious about her health and extremely careful with all the rules of taking this prescription drug. Hence, she makes sure to read all the instructions and labels carefully as well as follow all of her doctors’ guidelines.

In conclusion, I want to say that it is important to take care of our health during all stages of our lives. Ms. Kim has shown me a great example and provided a lot of inspiration. Having a healthy diet, working out frequently, using additional vitamins and supplements, as well as taking required prescription drugs can help us to live a better and healthier life, especially when we become older.

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