David grew up in Bethlehem and during that time, the Israelis had always been under the threat of other tribes, such as Philistines, whose warfare strategies left devastating results. Saul became the king of Israel at that time and due to his insanity David was offered to play the lyre for him. According to The Old Testament, David was chosen by God as the real king of the country and it was only a matter of time when he was to take over the throne. There was a fascinating incident with Goliath, who was courageously defeated by the ‘small-sized’ David, who had only a stone and faith in God as his only ‘weapon.’ Without any doubt, David was both courageous and skillful. He defeated the giant, having no experience in the art of war.
Further stories reveal David’s friendly relationships with Jonathan, the son of Saul. David became a commander of Israel troops and people started to sing songs about his courage; that made Saul furious. The insane king tried to kill his rival by throwing a spur into him as the greatest Israeli king won a battle against the Philistines. David had to succeed, but it is important to mention how deeply he loved God and respected his laws. He had multiple possibilities to kill Saul and take over the throne; however, he never raised his finger on him. Moreover, around 600 men followed David, which showed that he was the great leader. People voluntarily decided to follow him as his actions and believes proved that he followed the God’s route. His plan took him to the Philistine territory where he started a fight against that tribe, which was successful for David. At the same time, Saul died in a decisive battle as well as his three sons. It was a serious defeat of Israel.
David became the king right after his arrival to Judah. The 2 Samuel 15 is dedicated to other Saul’s son, who took over the northern part of the country but was eventually killed. It was a duty of David to follow the will of God and to unite people the Israelis. He conquered back Jerusalem and made it the capital. David also transferred the Ark of Covenant there and turned it into the spiritual capital as well. Philistine people were unhappy about what the king did and, as a result, they captured Bethlehem. However, David’s war strategy helped him to bring back the city to the Israel territory very soon.
During that time, the greatest idea to build the Temple of God came to David’s mind. After consultations with profit Natan, he received a reply from God that his son would be honored to build the temple, as David’s mission was covered with war and blood. Nevertheless, God has assured David that he would always stay with him. The king continued to fight other tribes, now from the side of Jordan. He managed to defeat the Arameans, the Edomites, the Ammonites, and the Moabites. This started a time of David's Empire, which extended from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. The territory was smartly ruled in terms of civil and military administrations. The country was divided into twelve districts that were managed by their own administrations and religious as well as military institutions. It is important to mention that such a strategy towards building a state can characterize David as one of the wisest kings of Israel. The districts paid the taxes to Jerusalem and celebrated the God’s holidays. It could not be achieved if not for David’s wisdom and deep understanding of the God’s will. The surrounding nations were afraid of Israel; David’s strategies included formation of alliances and marriages with women from other nations in order to win battles or reach tactical agreements. The vision of the king was extremely successful as during this time the glory came back to Israel, while such countries as Egypt and Assyria started to lose their power after the decades of being the most influential nations in the world. Almost all of the Promised Land was in the possession the Israelis during the reign of King David.
Unfortunately, the problems in personal life shortened the Golden age of the nation. During another war, David committed adultery with Bathsheba, who was the wife of another man known as Uriah. The ruler made the women pregnant and committed a conspiracy in order to kill her husband. The sin was serious and God’s profit Natan has confronted David with that. Despite the fact that David married pregnant Bathsheba, God punished him and the child died. Moreover, another punishment was the upcoming rebellion in his own house. Later, Bathsheba gave birth to another child, who was famous Solomon.
God forgave David but the consequences of his sin continued to follow him. Unfortunately, the son of David committed a crime of raping his half sister, the sin resulted in the birth of Absalom, who eventually intended to held the rebellion against his grandfather. Among his followers were those who lost their status. For example, David found it unfair and decided to punish Saul’s family members and Hebron people. The fight was very exhausting, but David managed to win and continued to be the king of Israel.
Later, as David grew old. the war period stopped. He suffered from cold and had to recover from the illness. He wanted his sun Solomon to become the successor but his eldest son Adonijah proclaimed himself the king. Eventually, Solomon occupied the throne and forgave his brother for the injustice (Smith).
It is worth mentioning that besides all the extraordinary courage and war strategies that David showed and implemented, he was also a great poet. The Old Testaments includes the Book of Psalms, which was written by him. This work is very important to the Israelis as David managed to convey his knowledge in psalms. With the help of poetry he reinforced once again the importance of relying on God everywhere . The psalms become even more critical, considering the fact that David had everything in his life. His heart remained with God not only during the period of turmoil but also in times of his greatest success and glory. Without any doubt, David was loyal to God and deeply loved him.
In conclusion, it is important to mention that it is told that the idea of building the Temple of God was one of David’s biggest contributions to Israel. It was not only a place of worshipping but also a place where holy sacrifices took place. Moreover, it was not supposed to be limited to the Temple only, as David has managed to unite the whole territory under the faith and loyalty to the real and only God of Israel. The legacy that David left continued to lead many generations. What is more. his wisdom is used even today.