Elderly Dry Skin
There are complex biological
functions that accelerate aging such as glycation and over-oxidation of
cells. The aging process is accelerated by excessive sugar, stress, and
toxicity. When we are 60 we want to look 20 years younger and most of us
know someone who are blessed with that youthful look.
Some skin conditions are considered
common and a normal part of ageing. Dry, flaking skin is by far the most
common skin problem among the elderly, affecting 75% of people over the
age of 65, according to MedScape.
Symptoms & Causes of Dry Skin In Mature Adults
The main cause of dry skin is the loss of oil glands which help to keep the skin soft. Over time, environmental
factors, like exposure to UV rays, have a detrimental effect on skin
health. The skin’s mechanical ability declines as skin ages, the
epidermis and dermis become thinner as a result of reduction of collagen
and elastin. Mature skin of an elderly loses its ability to retain
moisture, control temperature and sense the immediate environment.
Dry skin has the appearance of thin, scaly, wrinkled texture with those on legs looking like cracked porcelain.
Dry skin often gets itchy,
resulting in scratching or picking at the skin which can flake, crack
and bleed. Moreover, due to the reduced immune function of skin in older
people, wounds are more susceptible to infection.
Dry skin may be caused by
- Cold, dry air during winter or long hours in air conditioned rooms
- Exposure to fan heaters
- Excessive immersion in water eg. long bathing times
- Use of skin care products with ingredients that damage the skin barrier
- Sun damage due to long term exposure
- Skin conditions, eg. eczema, psoriasis
- Illnesses eg. chronic kidney disease (CKD)
- Genetics eg. persistently dry, thickened, rough skin
- Disease eg. lymphoma, malnutrition
Lifestyle Remedies for Dry Skin
- Sleep. A
good night’s sleep on a regular scheduled time is one of the best things
you can do to prevent aging. It is one of the most underrated health
habits. Aim to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep daily. Make
your room dark, cool enough to achieve a better sleep.
- Exercise.
Keeping an active lifestyle helps improve cardiovascular health and
blood circulation. Building lean muscle mass through weight lifting has
an added benefit of toning saggy skin.
- Quit smoking or vaping.
- Drink lots of water.
- Remove itch triggers eg. certain foods, body care products, made from harsh synthetic chemicals.
- Use skin care products with natural ingredients.
- Wear loose clothing with materials that does not irritate skin.
- Be close to nature and lots of fresh air.
Avoid Foods that Cause Faster Aging
- Refined sugar – Promotes the glycation process which damages cells, causes wrinkles and fine lines.
- Trans fats and hydrogenated oils – Processed fats promote inflammation which may lead to premature aging, heart disease among others.
- Artificial sugar or other artificial ingredients – The chemicals in these substances can speed up the aging process.
- Alcohol consumption
Age Slowing Diet
To age slower naturally, adding
certain nutrients in your diet on a daily basis can go a long way, they
include antioxidants, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins.
- Anti-Oxidant Rich Teas eg. Green tea, Oolong tea, contain antioxidants that protect your cells from free radical damage.
- Wild-caught fish eg. Wild Alaskan Salmon, Emu Oil capsules provide anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids and Vitamin D which are powerful antioxidants to slow the aging process.
- Green
leafy vegetables eg. Kale, Spinach provide important nutrients to
support bone and eye health, even prevent cancer. Spirulina is a super
anti-oxidant powerhouse against pre-mature aging.
- Berries – Are full of powerful antioxidants which help maintain muscle and may even prevent cancer.
- Herbs – Turmeric and garlic contain anti-oxidants and cleansing nutrients that can retard aging.
Healing of Damaged Skin
Skin that has cracked, wounded, torn
or ruptured needs careful attention to prevent inflammation. Consult a
physician to have the wound assessed before deciding to self medicate.
Some dry, cracked skin and even wounds have recovered using Emu Oil.
It is a natural oil derived from the fat of the emu bird from Australia
with Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial properties. Emu Oil has the
ability to quickly penetrating skin to moisturise, protect and nourish
dry and flaky skin.
Emu Oil Moisturiser is
a special facial formulation with Rosehip oil, Shea Butter, Apricot
Kernel and Jojoba essential oils to restore skin for that rejuvenated
and refreshed look.