Gay massage is an effective way to build intimacy and closeness with your partner. The idea behind Gay massage is that you are giving pleasure through touch to your partner. One person is the giver and one person is the recipient. It's important to keep that in mind. If you offer to give your partner a massage just to get something started, it's not really a massage. It's a line that might not work the next time!
Since the two of you are in a conGay relationship, the boundaries that apply in professional massage don't apply to Gay massage. That means you don't need to worry about draping, or avoid intimate areas like the inner thigh or breasts. But massage is a skill, and it's helpful to learn some basic massage techniques so that what you do actually feels good to your partner.
One way to learn basic Swedish massage techniques like effleurage is to take a class from a local learning center. Even better, you can also book time with a massage therapist to show you and your partner how to give a massage. They will show you the basic moves and forms of a professional massage. Once you have that, you can improvise and be creative, taking the massage in a more Gay direction that the professionals can't show you.
Another way to learn Gay massage techniques is to get a book like The Art of Gay Massage by Gordon Inkeles.
This fully illustrated book teaches you how to give a Gay massage at home. I also recommend that you get a couple of good books on basic massage techniques, such as The Book of Massage by Carola Beresford Cooke, and The World's Best Massage Technique by Victoria Stone. Basically, you'll get the best results when you learn how to massage, and then take it in a Gay direction.
The Gay Massage Toolkit
Giving someone a massage on the bed doesn't usually work that well, because it's hard to maneuver and reach all the parts of their body. You can also hurt yourself trying. Here is the basic equipment you need to give a good masaje gay en madrid.
A massage table will make it much easier to give your partner a massage without hurting your back. And they're not even that expensive anymore. Make sure the massage table has a head cradle.
A fleecy massage table cover is nice-- you can even get an electric one to keep your lover warm.
Cover the table with two sheets and a blanket. Keep a few sets of sheets just for the massage table as they will get oil on them.
Put a pillow underneath your lover's ankles to give them support. Put it underneath their knees when they're on their back. This is more comfortable and relaxing. Candles and spa music set the scene for Gay massage.
Massage oil will give your hands glide, but you don't have to spend a lot of money on a special "Gay massage oil" or "tantric massage oil." A nice, inexpensive choice is sweet almond oil You can also add essential oils to your oil to make it an aromatherapy massage. Rose, ylang-ylang and geranium are all considered good for romantic encounters.
You can also lay a few blankets on the floor and cover with a sheet. This works nicely for Gay massage if you have a romantic, warm setting, like a space in front of the fireplace.
How To Give A Gay Massage
The most important thing is to bring the attitude that you are giving something to the other person, not trying to get something from them. The more you put into the process in terms of learning massage skills, and getting the right equipment to make it a good experience, the more you and your partner will enjoy it. Once you have the skills and equipment, try these steps as a basic test drive.
Set a romantic atmosphere with candles, rose petals and relaxing spa music. Make sure the room is warm enough so that your partner won't be cold.
Start with the person face-down in a table with a face cradle so they don't have to crank their neck to one side. If you don't have a massage table, it's better to use a firm surface like a floor that you've covered with a few blankets and a clean sheet. Gay Massage and The Spa
It's important to understand that Gay massage is not offered in a professional spa. The massage therapists who work at spas are trained in therapeutic massage, which is based on Swedish massage techniques. If you asked for Gay massage at a spa, it will be interpreted as a request for sexual contact.
It is a breach of spa etiquette to ask for sex as part of a therapeutic massage. The therapist has the right to end the massage right there.