As we desire to eat things with health benefits for longevity sake, one food you might consider thinking about adding to your diet is strawberries. Select mansikat that are deep red in color and are free of mold. Get them from markets directly supplied by the farmers. Be careful that you don't buy berries that are too tightly packed in order to prevent damage.
Prepare them in salads, smoothies or on their own. Eat them when they are very red in color because this is when they have their nutrient density and the period they taste best. Do these things and you'll enjoy the health benefits from eating strawberries? Here are the benefits.
Fights Cancer Strawberries allow for antioxidant activities. The capacity for antioxidant activity is due to the presence of a lot of nutrients. Among them is Vitamin C, which provides for a significant proportion of antioxidant activity. The good news is that this activity is being reported to be a way by which fruits and berries prevent or reduce the rate of growth of many types of cancer. By taking a good helping of strawberries everyday, you are strengthening your body against the development of many kinds of cancers.
Prevents Oxygen-Damage Cells Vitamin C which is contained in strawberries provides health benefits in another way. This, along with manganese, are considered to be important antioxidant nutrients that assist to protect the body tissues from oxygen related damage, which can lead to a range of other diseases.
Fights Free Radicals Strawberries contain nutrients which protect the body system from the attack of free radicals. One of the principal nutrients used by the berry for this function are the pytonutrients, which strawberries have in significant quantity. free radicals, which lead to a number of cancers, are fought by the phytonutrients and the antioxidants in strawberries in order the protect the body from illnesses.
Prevents Increase In Blood Sugar In addition to Vitamin C and manganese, strawberries provide an excellent source of Vitamin K, riboflavin, magnesium, and folic acid. These range of minerals are considered to be good dietary fibers. They enable the strawberries to have a minimal impact on the amount of blood sugar in the body. This precludes the development of diseases such as diabetes.
Tackles Muscular Degeneration Researchers say mascular degeneration is the primary cause of loss of vision in older people. Statistics reveal that adults who don't take fruits and berries are more likely to suffer from this problem by 36% than adults who do so. By taking mustaherukat on a daily basis, you are eating a food that will help to protect you from experiencing an unsettling aliment.
Battles Bacteria Another advantage of nutrients contained in strawberries is that some of them are also antimicrobial. This stops the growth of certain bacterial and fungi in the linings of the body, stopping you from contacting a number of opportunistic infections.