World’s first airport “Vaping zone”, can you just imagine?
Wow!! a new and interesting news once again. Well, I am an electronic cigarette
user and I love to get into details about this topic. For that, I occasionally
go through electronic cigarette reviews and
other articles over the web. Browsing through e cigarette reviews guides me in
understanding the attractive features of an e cigarette including the topmost e
cig liquid as well. While going through my e-mails, I got an email regarding
the updates of electric cigarettes. I
usually get the updates as I have subscribed to the newsletters and updates of
smokeless cigarettes. I opened one of the mails and was surprised to know that
an e cig manufacturer is opening the world’s first airport “Vaping zone” at
London's Heathrow later this month, highlighting the rise of the smoke-free
Definitely, observing the growth and success of the best
electronic cigarettes, we cannot deny that people buy electronic cigarette
enormously. Even e cig reviews witness that. After reading the news, I am quite
happy with their approach that entry would be restricted for those people who
are under the age of 18. I guess this new indoor zone will be quite impressive.
I am expecting that this vaping zone would provide the best electronic
cigarettes and obviously not the cheap electronic cigarette. I even believe
that users will get trustworthy e liquid over there.
Well, I must say that the vapor cigarette manufacturers are
trying hard to appease customers by one or the other ways, be it
advertisements, opening up retail shops or airport vaping zones. Now users
would be able to vape comfortably in the airport before boarding their flight
to the respective destinations because several air planes have restricted the
use of e cigarettes on board.