According to many observers the current business environment
is highly competitive and there are many companies that are all vying to be
recognized as the best their respective fields.
And this also holds true in the electric
cigarette industry with the manufacturers all wanting to be the best of
their craft. Yet the e cigarettes industry did not exist over a decade ago it
has come up to create more than
shockwaves for the tobacco industry which has
annual sales of over $800 billion globally, yet the e cig industry only
received $500 million last year. Yet this year it is expected to grow by at
least 300% to reach sales of over $1.7 billion. There are those that say this amount
should not worry the tobacco industry but then again there is more that is
beneath the surface.
The biggest disadvantage that the tobacco industry has is
the cancer issue. The tobacco cigarettes have been globally confirmed that they
cause cancer and this has been shown by the mandatory signs on the packs. Yet
with smokeless cigarettes there has yet to be a single fatality or even a
single causality that can be attributed to them. Also another thing is that
there has been such an intense effort by anti tobacco activists that insist
there must be further pressure placed on the tobacco manufacturers as well as
the falling numbers of the cigarettes that are being lit. In fact latest
estimates are that there will be at least 2 billion unlit cigarettes in 2013 as
compared to 2012.
Whilst it is true that most of those smokers are simply
quitting cold turkey, some can be said to be converting to a better and more
comfortable smoking option that is being offered by the vapor cigarettes brands
like EverSmoke
Electronic Cigarettes.