I find something very unique on
Green Smoke electronic cigarette website. I was going through its cartridges
section and there I saw variety pack in which its five best e liquid flavors
are offered. The variety pack is great for those who are new to this brand or
new to vaping and want to taste different flavors.
I see it a great move by Green
Smoke which has displayed different mouthwatering flavors in a single pack.
Also, it a great hit among new users of this vapor cigarette brand or new to
vaping who have got the chance to try all the best e liquid flavors of green
smoke in a single pack. Even I checked smokeless
cigarettes reviews in which users like me had greatly appreciated this electric
cigarette brand’s effort to choose the best of Green Smoke e cigarette flavors and
choose the best.
The five different e cig liquid
flavors are red label tobacco, absolute tobacco, menthol ice, vanilla dreams
and mocha mist. The first three flavors are meant for users those who love tobacco
flavors and the rest two are actually meant for those users who look for rich
and fresh flavored taste. I truly found it a unique and amazing combination of
different flavors in which smokers have different choices to vape different
delectable flavors. Even Green
Smoke review also witnessed
customer’s opinion talking high of this variety pack.
“The Variety Pack will enable our customers
to sample our flavor line and find their favorite flavor,” says Product
Marketing Manager, Green Smoke, Aaron Weigensberg and he further added that
customers can then continue to purchase the
Variety Pack or choose to buy their favorite flavor. This pack is available at $16.99
which is quite reasonable to know about different flavors.