The electronic cigarette has been given
a reprieve on the regulation scene with the postponement of the releasing of e
cigarette regulations. They were supposed to be released by the end of October,
however they have been held up by the White house review committee and they
have up to the end of the year to publicly release the bill. However this has
resulted in many Democrats insisting that this delay will only result in more
minors being put at risk. This has resulted in there being many calls for an
increase in the regulation of the marketing procedures that they claim the vapor
cigarette industry is being responsible for enticing the minors.
The most common of these practices are based on the presence
of sporting and musical events by e cigarette manufacturers. Yet the electric
cigarette manufacturers claim that the reason that they are advertising at
these events is to educate people on the use and to reassure them that they are
operating a product with the highest standards. This has yet this is not a
common trait, the manufacturer whilst not having official verification about
the effects of the water vapor cigarette, they have some claims that can go a
long way to justify their traits of a great product.
The most common thing is that to date there is yet to be any
documented deaths or even a single causality. This is a factor that has not yet
been publicly lauded by the media and by those that claim the smokeless
cigarette is capable of having negative effects on smokers. Other claims that
cannot be substantiated by manufacturers is the growing number of claims by
users that are claiming that the use of their own version of the best e cigarette that they are now having a better
lifestyle than before.