Today, undoubtedly the topic of electronic cigarettes has
become very demanding. Almost every individual out there is using this battery
operated devices. Parents are trying smokeless cigarettes in order to crave
their nicotine urge. But it can be widely seen that teens are trying them
because they think they’re safer than regular cigarettes. Currently, e cig
usage has doubled especially among the middle and high school students.
In a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, it was found that about one in 10 high school students use an
electric cigarette in spite knowing nothing about the best electronic cigarette
brands. The usage proportion is seen mainly among the kids/teens because it is
very easy to buy electronic cigarettes. With the improvement of technology,
ease of purchase has also increased. More than half of states allow minors of
any age to purchase e cigarettes and they do not have to worry where to buy
electronic cigarettes as one can very easily buy electronic cigarettes online
whenever they feel like vaping.
E cigarette reviews reveal that users be it teenagers or
adults are enjoying its colors, shapes, sizes and flavors, such as vanilla,
chocolate and peach schnapps as it’s very easy for kids to buy e cigarettes.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urges parents to talk with their kids
about the effects of smoking. Some study has revealed that children can easily
become hooked on the nicotine due to the presence of 20 milligrams of nicotine
in most cartridges which can be fatal for a child.
There are many local brands that display e
cigarette for sale which includes several cheap e cigarette brands. So
purchasing those brands may be somewhat risky. Electronic cigarette reviews can be
a great step towards knowing about the reviews and feedback of users regarding
the usage.