Like any other women I too has my fair share of problems
during pregnancy, the mood swings, sudden emotional outburst, nausea it was all
part of this lovely experience, there were skin issues too like stretch marks
which ultimately could have led to scar formation but I did my homework well
because I did not want my pregnancy to leave any scars but just leave me with
my angel who will fill in me and my life with joy and pride. And fortunately
the exact same did happen with me. I ate a balanced diet; I did proper
exercises, not the kind which would affect my health but exercises which would
maintain the elasticity of my skin so that I can avoid stretch marks.
But this is not exactly enough, it is important to deal with
stretch marks in the very beginning and later on in the 6-7 month it
gets difficult to exercise and mood swings make it difficult to actually
exercise control on the diet. Then you would require an easy and effective
treatment like stretch marks cream which are quite effective, you may sue them
from the first month of pregnancy or start using them later when you start
gaining weight so that these stretch mark cream can moisturize the skin well
and not let your skin tear as you see yourself filling up like a balloon.
That time Revitol Stretch
Marks cream worked well on my skin. One of the important things that
help me to stay away from marks is to stay happy, eat well, and be positive at
all times. Anyhow, the issues are few and don’t really impact me in a strong
way as I know how to deal with them but my angels changed my life forever, it’s
been 11 months, next month we celebrate their first birthday. II have been
wondering how should I plan it, should I hire a planner or should I just think
of something myself. I am in total confusion because there is a lot to do in lot
less time.
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