Certain road trips are definitely
terrible especially when we confront heavy traffic on our way to office. And
then smoking goes hand in hand. It’s not the story of one day rather it happens
frequently. I remember when I went airport to pick my mom; the first thing she
noticed (of course after me!) was the awful smell of smoking. And then I had a
good session with her.
Of course it was not possible to
clean the interiors everyday neither it was possible for me not to smoke while
driving. And after switching to electronic cigarettes, which is in specific White
Cloud Electronic Cigarette, I can say many problems got solved at once.
Let’s not talk about the nicotine strength, flavors and such things but its
practical usage. To start with, now the car interiors don’t smell. I won’t be
exaggerating if I say my car smells good like mint or chocolate or vanilla. I
opt for many different flavors and when I exhale the flavored vape, it does not
disturb people around me.
I remember when I was planning
for the holiday; I had to waste few hours to clean it completely. But then too,
smell of smoke was apparent. And now I don’t need to think about people’s
opinion like what they would think of me and my smoking habits. I am happy
after using electronic cigarettes and so does people around me who don’t get
disturbed. Even now I am more socially acceptable than before and I have
discussed it on e
cigarette review forums.