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Is It OK to Wear a Tight Helmet? Understanding Helmet Fit

People will always hold different beliefs. For example, some believe in magic while others don’t. Whatever you believe in, do not entrust your riding safety to untested beliefs. Fortunately, the Helmet Gurus tests and reviews helmets so you can make informed choices. Otherwise, you might believe that wearing a tight helmet is advisable. 

Why Your Helmet Should Fit Properly

If you ever tried riding with an undersized or oversized helmet, you will agree that you weren’t that comfortable. An undersized helmet can put pressure on your head so much that you feel like taking it over. An oversized helmet might not even stay in place for the entire ride. In short, discomfort is the order of the day if your helmet doesn’t fit properly.

However, discomfort is not your greatest worry if your helmet doesn’t fit properly. You have a high risk of head injuries with such a helmet. A properly fitting helmet covers all relevant parts of your head and absorbs maximum effort upon impact. 

Read more: Top best modular motorcycle helmet on helmetgurus.com

Don’t forget that helmet accessories also work best if it fits you properly. Ventilation and communication systems seamlessly work if they are in the right places. Improper helmet placement throws such things out of place and interferes with their performance.

Why Tightness Does Not Equate to Safety 

Some riders assume that the tighter the helmet, the safer it is. You have probably heard of such claims from your rider friends. Even online forums are full of such claims. The rationale is that if the helmet sits tightly on your head, it keeps your head in place to avoid injuries.

However, the reality is that a helmet’s protective feature has nothing to do with its tightness. The helmet protects you because:

  • The shell material (like polycarbonate or carbon fiber) absorbs the impact of an accident.
  • The lining protects your head from the helmet’s hard shell.
  • Different safety technologies, like MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protection System), provide enhanced protection against specific threats. 

Check the reviews on Helmet Gurus for further examples of helmet protection.

Note that an overly tight helmet even increases your head injury risk. For example, a tight helmet may cause pressure points on your skull, increasing the risk of injury in accidents.

Read more: Help finding a modular motorcycle helmet - helmetgurus

Tips and Recommendations for Helmet Fit 

Ensure your helmet fits properly the next time you ride with your motorcycle club members. Otherwise, you might not enjoy the ride as much as your colleagues. Use these tips to ensure proper helmet fit:

  • Measure your head and use the helmet’s manufacturer’s guide to size the helmet 
  • Ensure the helmet fits snugly – neither too tight nor too loose
  • Ensure the helmet covers the top of your head and sits level without tilting forward or backward
  • Adjust the strap and fasten the retention system to fix the helmet in its position for the duration of the ride

The 2 2 2 rule can help you fit your helmet properly. According to this rule, you should have two finger widths between your eyebrows and the lower helmet edge. After securing the helmet, you should also have a two-finger gap between your chin and chin strap. The last 2 refers to the Vs the helmet’s straps should have below each earlobe. 

When is your next riding outing? Are you planning a race on your cruiser or wishing to explore the great outdoors with your adventure bike? Well, whatever you are planning, ensure you have the proper helmet. Check out the buying guides on Helmet Gurus for help.

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