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Tro dong tu trong tieng Anh: Dinh nghia, cau truc va cach su dung
Mo ta:
Tro dong tu la mot khai niem quan trong trong ngu phap tieng Anh, dong vai tro quan trong trong viec tao thanh cac cau phuc va bieu thi cac moi quan he giua cac thanh phan trong cau. Bai viet nay se cung cap dinh nghia chi tiet ve tro dong tu, di vao cau truc co ban cua chung va giai thich cach su dung pho bien trong tieng Anh. Ben canh do, bai viet cung se thao luan ve cac loai tro dong tu va cung cap vi du minh hoa de giup ban hieu ro hon ve chu de nay.
Xem them thong tin: Truong Dai hoc VinUniversity o dau?
Noi dung:
1. Dinh nghia ve tro dong tu
Tro dong tu (auxiliary verb) la loai tu duoc su dung de cung voi mot dong tu chinh (main verb) de hinh thanh cac thi va the khac nhau trong cau. Tro dong tu co the ho tro trong viec bieu thi thoi gian, the hien cam xuc, tinh trang, va cac hanh dong co the xay ra.
2. Cau truc cua tro dong tu

Thoi hien tai don (Simple Present)
Tro dong tu: am, is, are
Vi du: He is reading a book.

Thoi qua khu don (Simple Past)
Tro dong tu: was, were
Vi du: They were at home yesterday.

Thoi hien tai hoan thanh (Present Perfect)
Tro dong tu: have, has
Vi du: She has finished her homework.

Thoi qua khu hoan thanh (Past Perfect)
Tro dong tu: had
Vi du: They had already left when I arrived.

Thoi tuong lai don (Simple Future)
Tro dong tu: will
Vi du: They will come to visit us next week.

Thoi hien tai tiep dien (Present Continuous)
Tro dong tu: am, is, are
Vi du: She is studying for her exam.

Thoi qua khu tiep dien (Past Continuous)
Tro dong tu: was, were
Vi du: They were playing football when it started raining.

Thoi tuong lai tiep dien (Future Continuous)
Tro dong tu: will be
Vi du: I will be working late tomorrow.

Thoi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien (Present Perfect Continuous)
Tro dong tu: have been, has been
Vi du: She has been studying all afternoon.

Thoi qua khu hoan thanh tiep dien (Past Perfect Continuous)
Tro dong tu: had been
Vi du: By the time I arrived, they had been waiting for over an hour.

Thoi tuong lai hoan thanh tiep dien (Future Perfect Continuous)
Tro dong tu: will have been
Vi du: By next year, they will have been living here for ten years.
3. Cac loai tro dong tu

: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did.
Tro dong tu chinh (Primary Auxiliary Verbs)
: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would.
Tro dong tu phu (Modal Auxiliary Verbs)
4. Cach su dung cua tro dong tu trong tieng Anh

: Tro dong tu giup hinh thanh cac thi va dang khac nhau cua dong tu nhu qua khu don, hien tai don, tiep dien, hoan thanh, v.v.
Hinh thanh cac thi va dang cua dong tu
: Tro dong tu duoc su dung de bieu thi cau phu dinh va cau hoi.
Bieu thi y nghia phu dinh va nghi van
: Modal auxiliary verbs nhu can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would duoc su dung de bieu thi kha nang, y chi, muc dich, loi khuyen.
Bieu thi kha nang, y chi, muc dich, loi khuyen
5. Vi du minh hoa ve cach su dung tro dong tu
: She does not like coffee.
Cau phu dinh: Do you speak English?
Cau nghi van: He can speak French fluently.
Bieu thi kha nang: I will attend the meeting.
Bieu thi y chi: You should see a doctor.
Bieu thi loi khuyen
Ket luan:
Tro dong tu la mot phan khong the thieu trong ngu phap tieng Anh, giup xay dung cau hoan chinh va bieu thi cac moi quan he thoi gian va y nghia trong cau. Viec hieu ro ve cac loai tro dong tu va cach su dung chung la rat quan trong de su dung tieng Anh mot cach chinh xac va troi chay. Hy vong bai viet nay da giup ban co cai nhin tong quan ve tro dong tu va lam sang to van de nay trong hoc tap va su dung ngon ngu hang ngay.

By: truongdhvin
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