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fun facts about Chihuahua puppies that you probably didn't know yet -
One of the first dog breeds registered in the AKC.
With an average lifespan of 14 to 18 years, the Chihuahua is one of the dog breeds with the longest life expectancy. The oldest Chihuahua was 20 years, 265 days old and was called "Megabyte".In the year the American Kennel Club (AKC) was founded in 1884, the breed first appeared under the term "Chihuahua Terrier" in a list of non-recognized breeds. Only 20 years later - in 1904 - the first Chihuahua was registered. This makes the little four-legged friends one of the dog breeds that the AKC has managed for the longest time.
The Chihuahua has the largest canine brain
If you put the size of the brain in relation to body weight, the smallest pedigree dog in the world has the largest brain in the canine world.
the difference between apple and deer
According to the standards of the international and national breed associations, the head of a Chihuahua must always be rounded and apple-shaped. In the USA in particular, however, a deer-like head shape is also spreading. Sometimes there is talk of different races or of the "deer Chihuahua". The fact is, however: the chi with the round head is recognized and the chi with the elongated head is not. In return, however, the Chihuahua with the longer snout should have fewer genetic problems or diseases typical of the breed.
A bitch normally gives birth to an average of three puppies in one litter - however, the Chi bitch Coco gave birth to ten small Chihuahuas in 2011. Only five puppies were expected, which is why Cocos Halter, Dawn and Bill Slater could hardly believe it when more and more four-legged friends came. The smallest of them weighed just 70 grams at birth.
The smallest dog in the world
Not even ten centimeters from paw to shoulder: Miracle Milly is just 9.65 cm high. This makes the Chihuahua from San Juan in Puerto Rico the smallest dog in the world. At birth, the little bitch is said to have weighed only 28.3 grams and fit into a teaspoon. However, there is one Chihuahua even smaller than Miracle Milly - at least in length. This record is held by the Chi Heaven Sent Brandy, which is only 15.24 cm long.
Chihuahuas have favorite people
While the typical Golden Retriever sometimes cannot decide whether to suckle off the postman, the dear neighbor or the owner first, the Chihuahua has a very clear popularity scale. There is the chosen favorite person upstairs and then ... nothing comes. Maybe someday the rest of the family. But more likely under the category "It doesn't matter, as long as they don't annoy me." ...
A Chi is especially reserved and suspicious of strangers. Close confidants may be allowed to 'serve' him. His favorite, on the other hand, he loves for life and will courageously protect him from any danger, no matter how great.
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