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Muzikspace Forums -> Dancehall Reggae > HIGHER PURSE WORKING ON DEBUT ALBUM
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Maria Jackson
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Join Date:   09-09-2010 8:15:10 PM
Location:   Kingston, Jamaica
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Higher Purse has been in the studio for the last few months compiling tracks for his debut album, which is still untitled.

The reggae singer who is steady developing a loyal fan base thinks that it is important for him to position himself to take his career to the next level, and releasing a full-length album will do just that. The album will feature productions from Red Boom of Hard At Work Music, Antonie McLean of Legendary Productions, Omar Benjamin of Frenz For Real Music and Buff who is the producer of Russcuttaz Music, Higher Purse’s own record company. Higher Purse is also working on getting collaborations with Karamanti, Natural Black and a few other artists, which he hopes to include on the album.

In addition to the popular single, “rub-a-dub”, Higher Purse has also recently released “bitter sweet love remix” and “tell me” as leading singles to the album. Below are links to listen to both tracks and disc jockeys are welcome to request their free copies.

An official release date for the album has not yet been determined but he hopes to have everything ready by late summer, acknowledging that it could be delayed until the fall.

As for the Poor Man Riddim, Russcuttaz Music’s follow up to the Old School Riddim, Higher Purse contends that this project will still be released some time in the summer.

LISTEN TO “BITTER SWEET LOVE REMIX”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU1hixh3ZN8

DJs please send an email to Maria Jackson at mariajackson27@yahoo.ca in order to get both singles. You will be required to provide confirmation that you are in fact a disc jockey.
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