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United Kingdom schooling system and Australia
Difference between countries and their education systems is always a fascinating thing to discuss how different countries approach their education scheme. The Commonwealth countries have the same language of instruction and it's easy to exchange knowledge among them. The Australian education system has some resemblances to the UK although there are plenty of things that are entirely different.

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Date Posted:   04-21-2023 2:11:16 AM
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One thing we have to discuss before going deep into the discus that Australia is quite more huge than the united kingdom by area and the division among States is commonly seen. The UK is not huge although the concept of states and having different systems for every state is not there. The UK has Nation Curriculum which means throughout the UK they follow the same syllabus and curriculum.


Difference between countries and their education systems is always a fascinating thing to discuss how different countries approach their education scheme. The Commonwealth countries have the same language of instruction and it's easy to exchange knowledge among them. The Australian education system has some resemblances to the UK  although there are plenty of things that are entirely different.

One thing we have to discuss before going deep into the discus that Australia is quite more huge than the united kingdom by area and the division among States is commonly seen. The UK is not huge although the concept of states and having different systems for every state is not there. The UK has Nation Curriculum which means throughout the UK they follow the same syllabus and curriculum.

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Year 1, key stage 1 in the UK and Pre in Australia

Usually, learners are early in the morning occupied in mathematics and language in the UK as it's the time when students are feeling most fresh and alive. The same pattern followed by the Australian schools to early morning classes consisting of English and maths.

The students in the primary (year-one) are five to six years old

Later in the day subjects like science, geography, music. , computer, etc taught. Visit law case study help in australia


The United Kingdom is a country with vibrant cultural diversity that's why education on the belief is a mixture of everything quite opposite to Australia.

Year 2, key stage 1 in the UK and Grade 1 in Australia

The age group of six and seven, this level they will have to give tests on the subjects like maths and English and the same subjects followed by the educators at the earlier level.


Year 3, a key state-2 in Australia grade 2 same subjects are part of this level age group seven- eight.

Year 4, key stage 2 in the UK and Australia grade 3 age consists of eight-nine years old pupils part of it.

Year 5 key stage 2 UK Australia grade 4

Year 6 key stage 2 Uk, Australia grade 5 It's the final year of the primary year.


Secondary Education is divided into two parts in the UK key stages 3-4, Grade 6 onwards in Australia.



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