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EoC won't make fighting non-boss monsters
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Date Posted:   03-01-2022 10:32:02 PM
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EoC won't make fighting non-boss monsters fun... It'll make you use RS gold your capabilities. I've been PvP'd with the Live game and it's great. Beta PvP'ing... Right now, it's great. Everyone gets Full Torva/Pernix/chaotics whatever.

No one would venture into the wild risking Torva as well as pernix. Therefore, you can easily have one hit at a 4000 while running (or something like a 4000 like stun them and hit them number of times. Then, they'll be dead in a flash. I'm not going to bother in PvP'ing anymore. Which is unfortunate, except, of course, I'm using OP'd-out swifts/goliaths.

I've found guides to Fight Kiln. I've looked up guides for Fight Kiln but I still have a few concerns about it. In the event that I do not have Augury/Rigour prayers, should I be on curses? If so which creatures should I split my SoulSplits on, if there is any? If I own dreadnips, could I use them to replace the dills and bank my pickaxe?

Are the Jad's tanks in Ganodermic legs and top possible or is it worth it to pray and switch/flinch? If I'm taking 2 tort pouches and a unicorn pouch + scrolls will I be able to substitute beers with the two? I will also be filling in a tort with brews before entering. Please help me answer any questions and provide me with any additional tips, its greatly appreciated.

If I don't have Augury/Rigour prayers are I on curses? If so , which ones should I SoulSplit , if any? If you don't suck at flashing, consider soul splitting whenever there are only a few enemies on you. If you are averse to flashing, you'll be able to fight 2 meleers or 2 rangers and 1 small mage to split your soul.

If I have dreadnips , can I put them on pickaxe and also bank the dills? Only if you also have Titan, which aren't if you're using an axe. Are the Jad's tanks in Ganodermic legs + top doable or better to pray or flick?

Prayer switching isn't difficult. Only flinch if you really get into it. If I'm bringing 2 tort pouches and scrolls with a unicorn should I exchange beer with the scrolls? My gear setupis 1k Diamond Bolts (e) I'm pretty sure that runite bolts are better overall. Broads are a good choice, or you could test Karil's.

Neitiznot Helmet If you do not have a titan you could consider switching to a defensive helm , such as Gano and Verac. However, it's not essential. Armadyl Platebody will work buy osrs fire cape well. If you're in a pinch, utilize royal Dhide. Chaotic Crossbow Karil's may work nearly as effectively as runite bolts.
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