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Date Posted:   11-08-2021 9:17:06 PM
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Honorable mentions: I led an entire clan in the past, somewhat proud of RS gold that (although I was far from an ideal leader.) My first 99, firemaking. I'm happy to be able to claim that I persevered and didn't quit. The art of firemaking is a 99 percent occupation and that's before even bonfires. Sals steel war games as well as snowball battles (air strike) were two of my most favorite things to do. It was probably because I was not the highest in my class, but nevertheless a top-ranking employee. You're good enough.

I don't really feel any pride about my game-related achievements, which required nothing more than lots of hours grinding. I'm glad I mastered melee and combat some time after, but I wouldn't claim to be proud of myself because I didn't really require any thinking, quick-reflexes and any other kind of effort. It took patience, perseverance, perseverance, and time.

If I had to pick one 99 Prayer would be my choice. Purely because when I was an absolute novice in the years 2006-2007, I didn't think I'd be able to pay for it. 99 Attack was also a nice experience the first time I fought 99.

My only accomplishments which I'm proud of are related to PvP, single or clan-based PKing. Pre-EoC I thought I was an experienced F2P PKer. I was extremely happy to see my first gallery reach 100plus kills. I posted 400-500 kills on Sal's gallery, in 3-4 galleries, and numerous tiny topics (including clan sections war topics). This resulted in Sal being the top F2P PKer being called the King of the PvP Section (this is why I love the Witch King and RuneScape King titles lol). I'm not certain if I felt anything special, but I am proud in the compliments I get about my kill achievements.

Also, in a Sal's Clan Section thread about the ideal Clan, I was chosen as a member of many clan sections users lists. This is something I was proud of since at the time, I was a mid level combat player (105ish)

I was praised in an extermination 3x against Silverdawn and another clan XshinobizX was the commander of (who was later a member and the leader of DF) for my good tanking. According to some of their members, when XshinobizX made a "pile" against me, he'd always get pissed off about how no binds were hitting me and how much time it took to get him killed. It's a pity that I'm unable to find the topic any more. It was the first time I felt like I was a part of a war. The war was were still defeated, but it was a good thing haha. It was an extremely bizarre war. I recall it being an exercise/tank-testing war that was fought among all clans. However, we didn’t fight at GDZ. Instead, we fought in the Chaos Dwarves.

I also did quite well during the battle against UBH (I assume). But, I believe buy OSRS gold I was the only person who was praised in that case due to the fact that they didn't like any other 3x members.
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