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Date Posted:   10-08-2021 10:09:42 PM
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While it might appear daunting, I believe it is possible to RuneScape gold understand the implications of this data. History repeats itself. Not only in the present universe, but also in the alternative universe in which most of our lives have spent at the very least, a few decades. It's also beneficial to have no fluctuation in trade. (Jagex tends to make reckless decisions in time of peril. Also, the wild.

While I'm willing to address any questions you might have, it's not possible to answer in the quickest time is possible. Thank you for your time, and if you wish to take on price manipulation make sure you spread the word and create the unions. I'm unable to play for more that just a few minutes now, and therefore, I don't be able to take on this battle. But, I will share my knowledge with you all.

A while ago, a thread was created. It was entitled "Skill caps: Are they ruining Runescape?" The thread was about weather capes that are more and more controversial in Runescape.

So, let me get to the point. I had an argument today with a level 77 who was wearing a flamemaking cape that wasn't trimmed. The turd received his cape untrimmed after burning logs to make 99 firemaking for 3 and half weeks. Then, he was looking for 99 Fletching. This was the second most absurd excuse for an easy 99.

I was whining about yews, as I always do when I am bored and I was browsing the forums here. I was discussing with my mate about the fact that I believe for me that the rune hatchet is faster than the dragon hatchet. She agreed to some degree but this idiot was a bit concerned that he might interrupt and call my stupidity for stating it. I spent hours analyzing and timing the dragon hatchet that cuts yews. It has taken me hours. They are either identical or the rune hatchet is slightly quicker and I believe it's two mils more.

He complained for hours, telling me that his 2 mil waste (not that it's much) was more efficient than mine. I just told him "lol okay buddy, you're thinking that". My friend and cheap OSRS gold me kept cutting yews, and then he made the stupid statement that. "You're an idiot lol you don't have 99's. Ahhaahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

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