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RSGoldFast provides a simple and affordable way to buy OSRS Gold and RS3 Gold. Click here to find out about our great deals on Runescape Gold.
Seller:   Weiweismart
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Date Posted:   09-18-2021 11:46:15 PM
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PF2P-Earns money slower, the most efficient method (short of merching) is likely to be mining rune rocks which are slow and risky, or chopping stuff (be it yews or cockroach soldiers). On a hourly basis, a PF2P will make less money using the fastest money making method than OSRS gold the P2P which also performs the fastest money making method.

There is a greater variety of slower options for training. Since some players train at f2p locations like SoS Red spiders and Cockroach soldiers, it decreases their speed, but puts them at the same level of Pf2ps. However, on the whole there's a reason that people close to a 99 head straight for members, as they can gain experience at a higher rate than free players.

Since all the variants are identical, it's expected that a pf2p would get a 99 at a much slower rate than members. It's not fair to assume that all skills are the same. Since he has more choices to level quickly, a ranger could reach a 99 quicker than someone who trains. However, when it comes to mining, he'd have less advantage over a player who is a member. However, he would be competing with other players to get ore rocks ore, at the very the very least, until he reaches rune.

My opinion is that it's all about how one perceives the value of a skilled performance. The same question applies to the athletes who are awarded gold medals in the ParaOlympics. The athletes who do so must overcome physical limitations to be able to participate in ParaOlympics. To minimize the importance of the individual who won the gold medal wouldn't be fair, because he was also faced with the challenge to defeat other physically fit competitors in order to win the medal.

I'm curious to hear what other opinions on this issue, as I've noticed that pf2p's who get a skillcape are treated like 'gods' ("OMG You've Got A Skillcape) while members who get the same skillcape are given a pat on their heads ("Oh you've got a skillcape, how cute. I wonder which the next skillcape will be?

I'm a Summoning tank in dire need for charms. They are too difficult to obtain, and I don’t know anyone who is willing to share my charms. I'm willing the possibility of paying per Charm. It would be wonderful if it could be done within the Chaos Tunnels. They have many monsters and are multicombat.

I'm currently working on an Magic Skillcape and would love to hear your suggestions of an outfit. It would be great if the cost of the outfit was less than 2M. But, please offer suggestions for anything. This will allow me to save for other items. The hood doesn't need to be worn, but it can be buy RuneScape gold if it looks good when paired with the outfit. Thank you in advance, gentlemen.

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