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MMOExp offer a easy, safe, fast and stable way to buy Aion Classic Kinah, more great service you can get. Become our VIP member and buy cheap aion-classic Kinah now, you can get more off.
Seller:   Weiweismart
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Date Posted:   07-18-2021 10:29:17 PM
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If that's something you're capable of doing efficiently all the aion classic kinah more power to you man. I'm not convinced it's worth the effort involved in account juggling for me personally, but I have never been a fan of these loopholes.

Any seasoned botter wouldn't think "Okay my first batch is at level 45, so let's break off from all the early zones and let me start the next batch after these ones are removed." If they're doing one, they're taking both of them, since if they're banned, they're going to say "Oh that's so bad, I've just lost income for a whole week until I return to 45."

I'm not sure, but I believe you greatly underestimate just how much time people have available. I gathered for 6 hours the night before and came away with more than 7,000 Aether gems.

This is the great thing about farming in Aion that once you've exhausted the things you're farming you can basically ignore it , and instead focus on other things. Those 6 hours? I was playing another game on the second screen.

All this candy ranting is a waste of time, all games has gold sellers at the beginning of day 1. People have always had kinah to buy from gold sellers. This is the case now, in the past and also in the future. the only difference is they pay the actual money to the developer rather than the gold sellers

This. It's a bit silly to complain about it. I meant, I logged in to retail. It was a ghost town. I went to classic... and it was alive. The subscription model as well as real money shops seem to be more appealing.

Hey. Actually, I've made MyAion. These numbers are taken directly from login packets which were sent to the clients. At the time of the launch NCWest was testing server stability and began with a the capacity of 500 players on the server. They increased it slowly until current settings. We saw queues shortly after launch. However, the queue numbers were not correct. It was likely caused due to a change in login server settings.

The page class breakdown of the server displays only characters that were uploaded to MyAion. It doesn't include all registered characters. The MyAion DPS Meter version is for euro aion classic buy kinah classic servers and doesn't have many characters uploaded.
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