The new shot meter within NBA 2K22 is designed to Buy NBA 2K22 MT gauge the quality of your shots when playing games. That means you won't require a large meter to get an exact shot if are facing two opponents beyond the three-point line unlike a wide open mid-range shot.
2K is encouraging you be smarter when pulling up for shooting, rather than relieving on your powerful shooting capabilities to carry you through to the end. So while the shot meter will look remarkably identical to the previous times, the actual gauge is going to directly change based on the aforementioned shooting performance.
Badges are basically the extras your player has equipped while playing NBA 2K22; the method you choose to build your MyPlayer build is going to define the amount of shooting badges will be available to make use of.
There's plenty of options available in this field as well as some that are likely significantly enhance shooting in NBA 2K22; we're going to go over a few that are the best below. These will all increase the shooting gauge in certain regards and will allow you to increase your shooting performance from specific areas in the courts.
When it all boils down shooting, the primary thing you're going to is there any safe sites to buy NBA 2K22 MT want to master is timing. This will be key as it is when you've got used to your player's shot gauge and what their sweet spot is you'll know when to release the button or pro stick with a snap.