These dangers would correspond to your skill level and would be less common at OSRS gold higher levels. They wouldn't come from anywhere and only fight you. Similar to random incidents. This would probably help stop botting as well. However, I favor expanding the map. This would be very difficult.
Eastern regions are fascinating, and I think they've got plenty of potential, but before we go in for them I think I'd rather look at Menaphos as well as Prifidinas. Additionally, keeping them obscure can be extremely useful when they want to retcon stuff in. They're great, but not necessary currently at least unless Jagex really wants to attract an Asian player base. If they were released, I'd like to see tie-ins with Player owned Ports, Majharrat, and maybe even a different race altogether...but not Pandas like in WOW.
In terms of the map of the world I am really impressed with what they just did in the most recent update, adding the edges. Although there is still much to be accomplished the edges that look ugly are gone and the maps look more balanced.
Next, remove some fences. Although I haven’t been to Al Kharid yet, I like the look and feel of the map. If you'd like the map to look more appealing, reduce Draynor Manor in order to buy RS gold ensure it is more compatible with Scale Theory.