One instance is degradable weaponry like Chaotics and RuneScape gold Nex Armor. Meleeing weapons that have repair costs equal to the bolt/rune of other combat styles does a great deal to make the financial field more even. There have been improvements made to Range and Magic's efficiency with the release of items such Ava's Accumulator (Staff of Light) and Ava's Accumulator.
The ability to adapt, which was once Melee's greatest strength, is now granted to these slack combat styles. The release of crossbows as well as 1h ranged weapons has made the style more usable in far more scenarios, like when fighting dragonfire. Ranged isn't without its flaws, such as poor gear and ammunition, with magic. However, steps are being made to rectify the situation.
Many skills have been improved to make them more desirable. Once completely useless, Smithing received integration into many products, including Godswords and Dragonfire Shields. In addition, the release of the workshop was a way to fight sky high training costs. One of the most well-known examples is Herblore, which is now as crucial in terms of content for the endgame as Summoning and Prayer. In cheap OSRS gold truth, only Firemaking remains entirely useless.