Now, I thought I'd be able to OSRS Accounts find something interesting if did a search using your name. However, knowledge comes at cost. I'll be paying it. Wyvoch begins blasting at you. You, Zanik, and Oldak cover themselves behind a boulder. Zanik is able to come up with an idea. It's not possible to range the kin. He will blast you before your bowstring can be pulled back. Zanik shoots her crossbow with an angle. The bone bolt curvatures before it strikes Wyvoch.
Now, fight him. He's level 463 and has an advanced version Fire Wave that hits 30s and smoke Barrage. Your prayer will provide partial protection here, like in PvP. Mage has a strong defense therefore you should range him. Zanik is also a threat. At 2/3 health, Zanik will jump to your platform and use melee. He will mock your efforts, and then throw the Smoke Blitz at 1/3 health. Zanik leaps in front and gets hit. Wyvoch becomes teleportable. Oldak and you take Zanik to Dorgeshkan so that she can receive treatment for poison.
Oldak will assure you that Zanik will get better eventually and she'll just need some time. You can visit Thaerisk at Falador Castle to learn that Lucien was found. A new island in the wilderness has been discovered, and it's not safe to teleport, since there is a good chance that there will be antiteleportation spells.
This means that you'll have to construct a boat with 14 planks and 200 nails, whatever kind you want. If you're near the Rogues Castle, you will be able to find a location to begin your boat. The White Knights will have it there for you, which means you will have room to spare for food.
Get on the boat and head to the center of the island, where Hazeel Zemouregal and Enakhra are located. Lucien will notice your presenceand will attack to show off to his brethren his new powers. You'll die if don't activate Protect from Magic. If Lucien is only half health the cutscene begins. Your prayer stops and you're then beaten by Lucien. At once, Summer Bonde from Spirit of buy OSRS Fire Cape Summer appears and bring your pra