The General Paper (Gp) is a compulsory subject in the GCE "A" curriculum that every student at a junior college in Singapore must take. Unlike high school English, which is designed to cover the basics, from composing coherent sentences, to writing compelling essays, to having good control and mastery of English, Gp is designed to help develop students' thinking skills in critically assessing abilities. they. to put forward strong arguments, and also convey their ideas in clear, effective and accurate language.
The Gp consists of two articles (Paper 1 and Paper 2), with Paper 1 covering a wide range of topics including business, science, history, politics, religion, philosophy, etc., as well as topics of global and local interest. While Paper 2 consists of one or two parts of continuous prose, students are expected to demonstrate within 90 minutes that they can understand, conclude, evaluate, and summarize. Gp is more advanced than English and is offered at an intermediate level.
Many students find Gp difficult because it requires a lot of basic general techniques and knowledge about a variety of subjects, subjects, and situations around the world. This can make it difficult for students where and how to structure their readings, and also because most students are unaware of events and happenings around the world. However, this problem can be adequately resolved with the help of the Best Gp tutor in Singapore as students are well guided, trained and advised and there are things to be aware of.
Gp Tutors have been confirmed to be the best and most productive way to prepare students for GP exams as they allow Tutors to have quality and productive time with students. This allows Tutors and students to have more productive interactions and makes it easier for Tutors to monitor student progress. Another way that the Best Gp tutor in Singapore can really guide students is by taking notes and working on aspects that may be making students absent or left behind, as GP learning provides private opportunities between experienced GP instructor students. With experienced GP tutors, students have the opportunity to be properly guided and get basic ideas based on the home teaching experience that is the focus of the GP exam and to be able to suggest solutions and -How to Get Answers to questions that may not be available in general practitioner training centers or general can be provided and improved.
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