I wish to pursue a major in communication since it matches my career and personal goals as well as the talent and skills I possess. The communication major will provide an opportunity for my learning interpersonal communication. In addition, I hope to enhance my skills in writing and speaking. I have a persistent interest in political campaigning and information regulation. According to the information provided by writing service paypal, gaining additional skills in interpersonal communication as well as developing my capabilities in public speaking and broadcasting will effectively enhance my future performance in the chosen career. My interest in communication as a college major comes from the diversity of careers that it offers. For instance, having a degree in communication, I will be able to find a job in public relations or journalism sphere. In fact, it is possible that communication is the only function that fits objectively into any organizational context. The major, therefore, provides a wide variety of learning experiences as well as options in career choice. Communication is an important field of knowledge due to the central role it plays in meeting objectives in all contexts. Leaders are not effective if they cannot communicate ideas, and organizations may fail due to poor communication. Societies require not only the presence of information, but also suitable means of communication in order to thrive. Thus, communication knowledge is important for achieving effective societal and business functioning. My past experiences are vital in preparation for this major. I have always been inclined towards writing, which forms a part of the basic communication skills. I try and pursue every opportunity I have in public speaking, which I feel I have advanced with practice and time. The major, therefore, will not be introducing me to these concepts, but will enhance my capabilities in several areas to ensure I achieve perfection.