The Houbara belongs to the larger bustard family (Otididae), which consists of 11 genera, comprising 26 species and up to 39 subspecies. While ‘Houbara’ is a common name, the bird’s scientific name is derived from the Greek words chlamys, meaning ‘cloak’, and otis, ‘bustard’. The combination of these words, Chlamydotis, means ‘cloaked bustard’, which may be a reference to the impression of the Houbara Conservation UAE during its courtship display.
The Houbara was previously recognised as a single species with distinct geographical populations. However, based on genetic, morphological, geographic and behavioural criteria, it was split into two species in 2014:
The bird spends most of its time on the ground foraging for food. It is an omnivorous bird with a diet consisting of plants, seeds, insects, spiders, small rodents, and lizards.The greatest threats facing Houbara are poaching, unregulated hunting, habitat loss through urbanization and agriculture, and habitat degradation through overgrazing.The Houbara is an emblematic species in the heritage of the UAE and, as a leader in proactive species conservation, IFHC is committed to programmes that strive to educate the Emirati youth on the UAE’s abundant wildlife and natural environment. The Houbara Fund is a strategic partner with Connect with Nature to advance their work through supporting education and awareness among the youth in UAE.
The International Fund for Houbara Conservation UAE, the global leader in pre-emptive species conservation, will shine the spotlight on the overwhelming success of its breeding and release programme, continued efforts to educate the next generation of conservationists and engage falconers on the importance of sustainable hunting at Abu Dhabi International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition.
Join the Houbara Conservation UAE and get opportunity to take part in preserving the beautiful Houbara Bustard Bird for heritage & environmental protection.