Social Bookmarking is essentially a method that allows you to share your own and other's content with your friends, followers and even the entire world. Social Bookmarking works on an almost the same concept as that of social networking, but your bookmarked files can also be seen by others. In other words, you could save web pages with the help of top social bookmarking sites. Once you have created your account, you would add all your favorite links and your tags, so that it will be easier for the people to find it. You can handle your bookmarks according to your own preference.
Another important thing that should be kept in mind is that social bookmarking is basically using an online community or a network to drive traffic to your website or your blog. This traffic will be considered natural and organic, since these links are generated by the users themselves. The top social bookmarking platform will allow you to manage and access your tags, keywords and your domain authority, so that you are able to focus on driving quality traffic to your website. If your site is new and don't have enough traffic to your site, you can start creating backlinks and generating traffic to your site using profile creation sites
There are many other things that you can do on the social bookmarking site. First of all, you can take the advantage of this feature of this platform to improve your domain authority. The more traffic you are able to drive to your website, the more backlinks you will get. The higher your backlinks are, the better position your website will be in any search engine. With this, you would be able to remain at the top most position in the SERPs. At the same time, your page content would also be read more by the surfers, as the content is informative and useful.
There are a lot of web marketers who think that social bookmarking is only related to creating high quality content and generating backlinks. They think that these are only some of the things that should be done in order to get better ranking and better conversion. Nothing can be further from the truth. Indeed, this is one of the best ways of leveraging the power of the internet and of course of the digital marketing.
To start with, there is a great page called tumblr that you should take full advantage of. You can actually set up a fan page there that has the same niche as your website. From time to time, you have to make posts in your fan page that are related to the niche that you are promoting. This is the simplest way of leveraging the power of social bookmarking and of course of tumblr itself. It is just another great social bookmarking site that you should try and take full advantage of.