Real and Fake Money for Sale-Buy Counterfeit Money online,there are millions upon millions
reasons why people would like to have fake money. Especially right now,
when you can not hardly name a sphere of society that hasn’t suffered
from the crisis. Everyone needs to be sure that they will stay firmly on
the ground in the future. Naturally, buying counterfeit money is not
the first thought that can occur to somebody.People are using our
services because they are stuck in a bad circumstance; they can’t find
the way out.Borrowing money from banks, relatives, or friends is not
always the best choice, especially if you have a bad credit history, or
your family is struggling with the financial crisis.
Moreover, we often want our loved ones to stay away from trouble and
worries, and by telling them about our money problems, we won’t make
their lives any less stressful.Besides, when you’re asking for a
considerable sum of money, you are likely to be asked questions you
don’t want to answer.In this situation, using some fake money can drag
you out of hell, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone who is
considering buying counterfeit money should know some basic rules in
order not to trap yourself in even bigger troubles. Here are some points
you should be aware of our our banknotes.
Our banknotes are not printed using the same type of paper that is used for magazines or newspapers.
Before we start,we will give you a run down;
1. Banknote Design
Our banknotes are
design typically starts with the compiling and reviewing of historical
information, images, Thai patterns, and other elements related to the
main theme to be depicted on a banknote
2. Platemaking ???
Having obtained the design, hand engraving of metallic plates and drawing of design of the original plate is performed by highly skilled and experienced specialists so as to achieve the high degree of precision, tonal variation and perspective requirements for banknotes.
?3. Printing Process
3.1)Offset Printing
The background design is printed
first by dry offset on a specially designed printing press that is able
to print high-precision color patterns on both sides of the sheets
simultaneously. This makes it possible to produce perfect front and
back registered designs or see through designs when viewed against transmitted light.
3.2)Intaglio Printing
This process is used to add the
portrait of H.M. the King and other raised prints on the front of the
note. The image to be printed is inscribed into the plates. The
inscriptions are filled with ink, and excess ink is wiped from the
plates. Heavy pressure is applied to transfer the ink from the plates to
the pager, leaving the surface slightly raised.
3.3)Letterpress Printing ?
Every printed sheet is carefully
inspected. The good sheets are sent to printed serial number and
signature by letterpress method, while imperfect or bad sheets are taken
out of the system to be duly destroyed. The printing machine also has
electronic numbering control to protect from miss – printing
the numbering.
?4. Printed Sheet Inspection ??
The bank sheet then passes through a
quality inspection and verification process that is one of the most
important steps of the entire banknote production process. The
inspection process is a process that screens good quality, partially
damaged and mis-printed bank sheets from each other. Also, the quantity
of sheets produced is assured by counting and verifying after finishing
the inspection process.