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Posted 08-04-2020 6:28:58 AM
Modern American Slave Labor

Slave labor has existed for many years. Tens of millions of people were trapped in different forms of slavery throughout the worlds history. However, nowadays many of them work generating billions of dollars of illicit profits every year. Researchers estimate that millions of individuals are enslaved in the USA. It became possible due to a number of social and economic factors that led to the resurgence of slavery, especially in the past decades. Modern slave labor and trafficking have been used as definitions of the acts of obtaining, providing, transporting, harboring, or recruiting an individual for commercial sex or compelled labor using coercion, fraud or force. Thus, this essay aims to discuss different social, economic and political factors that drive modern American slave labor today in detail.

Although slavery is not legal everywhere in the world, it still exists. Moreover, there are more enslaved persons now than at the times of slave trade in the Atlantic region. Slave labor (or sometimes human trafficking) includes a range of such activities as obtaining, transporting, recruiting, or harboring an individual through deception, abuse of the legal process, psychological coercion, physical threats, force or any similar means to use labor of other person. Once such means are used, individuals consent to work for an employer becomes legally irrelevant. The employee is considered a victim of slavery, and the employer is a slaveholder. Different persons may be forced into labor in the USA; however, migrants are particularly vulnerable to this form of slavery. Female victims bonded or forced to work, namely girls and young women, are often sexually exploited. Thus, there are many forms of slave labor. Both men and women can be subjected to modern slavery in America.

Slavery has become the most profitable criminal business after drugs. In order to abolish modern slave labor in the USA, it is important to consider factors that drive it in this country. Generally, they include political, economic, social, and legal conditions. Circumstances favorable for slavery activities result from a conflict or multiple forms of discrimination. Firstly, the demand for cheap labor is the main factor that facilitates its existence. The American industry of services, in particular, restaurants, is a common exploiter of slave labor. In addition, employers in this field use cheap agricultural and domestic work. Often, they offer a steady wage and a safe workspace, but later workers find out that they have worked overtime and have been paid less than a minimum salary. These employees have very few alternatives and can rarely protect themselves.

Secondly, economic factors include the lack of education and health care, systemic poverty, labor or wage repression, demand for cheap goods and ready markets, weakness of social protection, and economic inequality among others. In addition, the population displacement increases the emotional vulnerability of individuals and frequently becomes the reason why people do not have any financial support to ensure their own protection. Due to economic hardships, those persons tend to leave their homes (for example, in rural areas) in search of a better life in big cities. However, they become subjects of abuse through forced labor. Often, employers use the latter to gain greater profits and reduce expenses on the regular employment of workers.

Thirdly, political instability, conflicts, and legal factors that include the lack of an effective law enforcement system, statelessness, limited access to justice, and corruption in other countries make people migrate to America where they are ready to work for any payment to survive. Fourthly, slave labor generates huge profits. It is a fast-growing and the second largest criminal industry in the USA. A super-profit comes either from forced economic labor (agricultural or domestic work) or from commercial sexual exploitation. Fifthly, such factors as various types of discrimination and social exclusion, including violence against girls and women, gender inequality (gender-based wage gaps, feminization of poverty), discrimination in the private, political, economic and public spheres (traditional practices and attitudes or racism), make these groups of people be subjected to slavery in the USA.

Sixthly, environmental factors include natural disasters, environmental degradation, and climate changes that cause people to leave their homes and to work for low wages to survive. Seventhly, slavery is often difficult to identify since victims are highly traumatized or well hidden. Therefore, there are numerous challenges to the problem of the elimination of modern slavery. Finally, the lack of moral values and respect for persons are among them. The modern American culture accepts treating people as objects that can be sold or bought. In addition, it includes the promotion of alcohol and drugs, pornography and violent behavior at home and on TV. As a result, violence fills a pool of vulnerable victims. Furthermore, in many cases, those are people susceptible to coercion. Thus, the main factors that cause slave labor in America are a search for a better life, natural disasters, and poverty. Addressing and finding solutions to them will result in the reduced demand for slaves.

To conclude, slave labor can be defined as a wide range of means to force individuals to work. Migrants and females are particularly vulnerable to slavery. At present, American slave labor is driven by multiple factors. They include economic conditions (poverty, lack of healthcare and education, labor or wage repression, economic inequality, absence of social protection, and population displacement), environmental situation (natural disasters and climate changes), high demand for cheap labor and goods, and political drivers (political instability and corruption). Another factors are various types of discrimination and social exclusion (gender inequality and discrimination in various fields of life), challenges to slavery identification and the lack of moral (treating humans as objects and violence at home and on TV). Finally, slave labor brings super-profits. It is the main cause why slavery still exists and why it will be difficult to abolish it in the USA.

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