Amphetamine Powder is medically used to treat
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, a disease
characterized by bouts of intense, inappropriate sleepiness.
Amphetamine Powder to a lesser content is also used in the
treatment of depression and obesity.
What do amphetamines look like?
Pure amphetamines come as a white, crystalline powder
whereas those which have been mixed or ‘cut’
with another substance will be off-white or greyish in colour.
The powder form is usually available in ‘wraps’.
Other forms include crystals and small tablets.
As a street drug, amphetamine usually comes as a white,
pink, grey or yellowish powder. It may also come as pills or a grey putty-like
substance known as paste. Buy Amphetamine Pain Killer
Amphetamines Powder are synthetic stimulants. Their current
medical use is limited, with only Dexedrine (dexamphetamine sulphate) currently
available for use in the treatment of narcolepsy – where the patient cannot
help suddenly falling asleep. The only other amphetamine-related drug available
for medical use is methylphenidate (Ritalin) for the treatment of attention
deficit syndrome in children (Ritalin is not strictly an amphetamine, though it
is very similar in chemical structure and effects).
As a street drug, amphetamine powder usually comes as a
white, grey, yellowish or pinky powder or as putty-like substance known as
base. The purity of street powders is less than 15 per cent, with most deals
having only 10% amphetamine and the rest other powders like glucose, vitamin C,
laxative, dried baby milk baby, caffeine, or other drugs such as paracetamol or
Base is stronger at roughly 50 per cent purity or more, but
this is declining. A similar though some say stronger form of the drug is
methamphetamine. This comes as powder, crystals (known as ice) or in tablet
Amphetamine powder is snorted up the nose, mixed in a drink
or, by some heavy users, prepared for injection. Base is usually swallowed or,
because of its bad taste, wrapped in (cigarette) paper and bombed (swallowed).
It can be snorted if dried out properly. Pharmacy
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You might feel the effects of amphetamines immediately (if
injected or smoked) or within 30 minutes (if snorted or swallowed).
You might experience:
Happiness and confidence
Talking more and feeling energetic
Repeating simple things like itching and
Large pupils and dry mouth
Fast heart beat and breathing
Teeth grinding
Reduced appetite
Excessive sweating
Increased sex drive