Economic development has been influenced by many factors as
the process by which the nation works to improve the economic, political and
social well-being of its people. One of the factors that affect economic
development is Entrepreneurship. We will discuss here the
Entrepreneurship role in economic development.
Role of Entrepreneurship
The recent role of entrepreneurship in economic
development</a> has become a key factor in employment, and innovations
have led to enhanced competition in the market which is a major factor in the
growth of economies. Entrepreneurship affects the improvement of the economic
health of individuals in the world. Manage Loyalty Programs
Wealth Creation and Sharing
By establishing a business entity, entrepreneurs invest
their own resources and attract capital from investors, lenders and the public.
This kind of complex capital, which results in the creation and distribution of
wealth, is one of the basic economic necessities and objectives.
Create Jobs
As an entrepreneur, there is a job seeker and thus provides
job opportunities for several other job seekers. This kind of job creation by
new and existing companies is once again one of the basic objectives of
economic development.
Balanced Regional Development
Entrepreneurs who create new companies and industrial units
help regional development by locating them in less developed and underdeveloped
areas. The growth of industries and businesses in these areas leads to
improvements in infrastructure such as improvement of roads, railways,
airports, electricity and water supplies, schools, hospitals, shopping centres
and other public and private services that will otherwise be unavailable.
GDP and Per Capita Income
Each new addition to these 36 million units makes use of
even more resources like land, labour and capital to develop products and
services that add to the national income, national product and per capita
income of the country. This growth in GDP and per capita income is again one of
the essential goals of economic development.
Standard of Living
Increase in the standard of living of people in a community
is yet another key goal of economic development. Entrepreneurs again play a key
role in increasing the standard of living in a community. They do this not just
by creating jobs, but also by developing and adopting innovations that lead to
improvements in the quality of life of their employees, customers, and other
stakeholders in the community. Online Invoice Maker
Any growing business will eventually want to get started
with exports to expand their business to foreign markets. This is an important
ingredient of economic development since it provides access to bigger markets,
and leads to currency inflows and access to the latest cutting-edge
technologies and processes being used in more developed foreign markets.
Community Development
Economic development doesn’t always translate into community
development. Community development requires infrastructure for education and
training, healthcare, and other public services.