Stress or anxiety attacks are any sudden wave of
fear that overcomes a person frequently without warning. Panic attacks are typically accompanied by
shortness of breath and increased heart rate.
Feelings typically associated with panic attacks include dread, despair,
fear, loneliness and may even be as intense as feeling as dying. Oftentimes,
those who suffer with anxiety attacks get so fearful of when and how long their
next panic attack could be that the increased stress that results from worrying
about their next attack can actually create the perfect storm of conditions for
their next attack to occur. It turns
into a vicious cycle of fretting about an assault which leads to an actual
attack that creates further stress and worry about the next attack which leads
to another attack.
Although there are lots of possible panic
attack solution, such as breathing exercises, in addition to
psychological exercises, the effectiveness of any of these techniques depends
upon how effective the sufferer is at breaking the vicious cycle of worry,
panic anxiety mentioned in the last paragraph. To be able to begin the practice
of healing, it's essential to isolate and stop the triggers that lead to your
panic attacks. As soon as you have identified these anxiety triggers, you can
then isolate and stop them. The outcome is that you will have the ability to
protect against any future terror attacks from occurring even before they
The very first step to differentiating your panic
triggers and thinking up your own panic attack solutions is to write down
exactly where you were and exactly what you're doing before your most recent
stress attack. A fantastic practice to get to is to write down as much
information as possible immediately after a panic attack. Once you have relaxed
sufficiently, write down as much as you can remember about what you're doing
just prior to the attack. After you've done this a long time, you then need to
try to identify any common factors which exist just before the beginning of
each of your anxiety attacks. You should begin to find some things in common
about each scenario of what you were doing just before every one of your
strikes. This is a superb method to get in the habit of doing consistently no
matter how hard or how much you really do not feel like doing this.
Many people have stated that maintaining a
notebook together at all times is quite helpful is identifying their personal
triggers. It is up to each one of you to be diligent about writing down
sufficient info about each of your attacks to develop a profile or baseline
about what your own personal triggers happen to be. Interestingly enough,
though these are unique to every person, there is some overlap among everybody
who suffers from any sort of Panic Disorder Symptoms. Keep
striving to identify these triggers and treat every panic attack as yet another
opportunity to get closer to finding your own personal solution to preventing
and preventing these attacks in the future.