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Have you ever had to
withdraw from hydrocodone? I sure have, most of the time it was a periodic or
periodical thing. We've all experienced that time when we couldn't find the
drug when we needed it. Those were the worst times. You could withdraw from
hydrocodone in jail. I wouldn't advocate that method as the greatest way to
detox off hydrocodone. Under the medical supervision of a Dr. or medical
facility is the best and healthiest way. “Buy Subutex Online”
Among the symptoms
of hydrocodone addiction withdrawal can include depression, confusion,
decreased breathing, and low blood pressure..There is a very good chance of
death if the hydrocodone addict does not seek the proper medical treatment. He
or she could suffer from body aches, fever,tremors, or seizures.. There are
medications that a doctor can prescribe to help ease the pain of hydrocodone
withdrawal. A treatment facility can take measures to prevent seizures and
treat anxiety. Lorazepam and xanx are prescribed to help treat anxiety.
During withdrawals
from a hydrocodone addiction, a addicts blood pressure can rise and fall.
Doctors can prescribe medication to help control your blood pressure and
monitor your vital signs. That why its best to seek help from a medical
facility if You choose to withdraw from hydrocodone. A lot of times when I was
coming off a hydrocodone I would eat candy bars or other sweets to help ease
the withdrawals.
If your serious
about ending your hydrocodone addiction, then rehabilitation is highly
advocated.By checking into treatment the addict has the opportunity to remove
himself from the people, places, and things that can trigger a relapse. It will
also help them fill their head with positive things. For a lot of hydrocodone
addicts , jail is the alternative.
I first learned
about 12-step type meetings after I checked into my first rehab. Although that
time I did not stay clean for long, The benefit was that it put the seed of
recovery in my head. Many years later it blossomed., Rehab will give the
hydrocodone addict the opportunity to attend 12-step meetings and individual
The goal is to give
the addict all the required knowledge and tools to succeed in the outside world
once he or she is released from the treatment facility. Some rehabs prescribed
continuous medication for opiate addicts to help with the withdrawal. I
personally do not recommend that sort of therapy. I believe that an addict
needs to learn from day one to start dealing with life without drugs, whether
there prescribed by a doctor or not.
After treatment.
I believe the best
kind of after treatment for any character of addicts is a 12-step program.
There many available in your area. I also know individuals that have had large
success with their faith and church. I wholly support those as well, but for me
a 12-step program is a form of church. Some rehabs offer or require you to
complete an after care schedule. “Buy Roxicodone Online”
That involves
attending meetings with a treatment counselor on a regular basis. By doing this
the hydocodone addict is held accountable, which a lot of times is a new
experience for a addict.. Sometimes, after attending after care meetings for a
long period of time, a hydrocodone addict will end up attending after not being
required. This is one addict helping another in its purest form.