E cigarette is often confused with its evil twin, tobacco cigarette and the battle between the two is quite engaging, sounds like the plot of the next Michael Bay movie.
smokeless cigarette have no smoke preassembly but the device is surrounded by mist and fog and people find it hard to understand the true prospects of this device. Electronic cigarette are pitted against the tobacco cigarette for the reason that the former mimics the appearance of the later and when from a distance they both look the same but when it comes to the use, the appearance can’t fool no one because the differences are quite visible.
When you light a tobacco cigarette, there is smoke and the typical burning tobacco odor but with e cigarettes there is vapor and a flavored e liquid which gives flavored vapors and a scented smell. But now many policy makers are thinking of putting regulations on electronic cigarette, one regulation that is being criticized by a large section of people is the regulation that puts e cig in the same category as tobacco cigarette which means somebody who wants to
buy electronic cigarette will be subjected to the same limitations as in the case of tobacco cigarette.
For people who want to buy electronic cigarettes, they are available on retails stores and the online stores of course, which boast of the entire product line as manufactured by a brand. People also prefer to buy electronic cigarette online because of the convenience and the discounts offered through various e cigarette review sites.
Some cities are even considering ban on putting e cigarette for sale on retail stores and some authorities have concerned over online sales but the truth of the matter remains that regulations can only be supported by e cig user and brand owners if they do no limit the availability to adults and do not come into the way of actually making people aware of the presence of vapor cigarettes.