That was the day when one of my closest friends Jene turned
to 24 officially. Yes, that was her birthday when I and some of our common
friends were planned to give her a surprise party. That was Saturday morning
when the committee had to decorate the dinner area so we had to get up early. We
decided to have a party at Conner Park. In Menu, we included her favorite
chocolate cake, Sea food, drinks, and many desserts. Late night Jene reached to
the venue and was getting surprised to see all the arrangements we did to make
her birthday memorable.
After that the beer fest went on. Some friends were smoking
addicted but Jene don’t like smoking and she even can’t tolerate its nasty
smell. Therefore, I suggested one of my friends to buy e cigarette of cheap electronic cigarette brand. Being a user of one of the best
e cigarette brand, I really appreciate this device. Yes, few years back, I was
a hard core smoker but after switching over best electronic cigarette brands, I
never try tobacco cigarette again in my life. I read electronic cigarette
review before switching over this device.
After reading reviews I came to know that there are many e
cigarette brands available in the market like Green Smoke electronic cigarette,
V2 cigs, White cloud etc But to know more about quality of these brands I read Green
Smoke reviews, V2 cigs reviews etc. and finally I switched over a brand that is
known as the best e cigarette. To enjoy the party of my best friend, I
suggested my smoker friends to try electronic cigarette. You are surprised to
know that my idea worked on them and finally we had successfully arranged a
party free from smoke and nasty smell of tobacco.