Guess what I latest new related to the battery operated device called e
cigarettes is? Michael R. Bloomberg, New York Mayor had dropped his proposed
ban on cigarette displays in stores and has agreed to display them in the
stores. It simply mean that now we can see all the top notch brands of best electric cigarette being displayed at various retail stores. I think it is
good news for the manufactures of leading electric cigarette brands. It is a great opportunity as it would help them to
promote their e cig accessories and products on a bigger scale but it cannot be
such simple, there has to be some twist in it.
Bloomberg had smartly played and proposed to increase the
minimum age of purchasing smokeless cigarette from 18 years to 21 years and it
has been approved. I think it is dam smart of him. Even experts from a leading
electronic cigarette reviews website had stated that He (Bloomberg) had played
really smart. Now the current smoking age in the big apple is 21 years. But I
disagree with Bloomberg because 21 is not the correct age. If we can vote at
the age of 18 years why can’t we decide, what all we want in our life? I guess
we are smart enough to understand what is right for us and what is wrong. And
for me these vapor cigarettes are the best way to live a smoke free life.
I read in an article at one of the leading e cigarette reviews website that it
is necessary to safeguard the rights of children as these devices are meant for
more mature men’s. keeping that thing in mind I think displaying of these vapor
cigs publicly might catch the interest of the minors and lure them towards
theses battery operated device. I might be wrong but this is what I exactly
feel. I think that it will expose children to these devices which might tends
them to at least give it a try i.e. catch their interest.